Sharpist dashboard

Sharpist dashboard

Sharpist dashboard

Sharpist dashboard


Although the business plan aimed to attract new contracts and retain existing customers through 1:1 leadership coaching, the existing product lacked a meaningful customer dashboard. This resulted in inadequate reporting and an inability to accurately reflect learners' progress. As a consequence, customers were unconvinced about the value proposition and hesitant to extend their contracts with Sharpist.

My contribution

  • Dashboard design

  • data analysis

  • user interviews

  • user testings

The team

1 × CPO
1 x PM
1 x Product designer
2 x engineers
1 x data analyst



Sharpist dashboard


Although the business plan aimed to attract new contracts and retain existing customers through 1:1 leadership coaching, the existing product lacked a meaningful customer dashboard. This resulted in inadequate reporting and an inability to accurately reflect learners' progress. As a consequence, customers were unconvinced about the value proposition and hesitant to extend their contracts with Sharpist.

My contribution

  • Dashboard design

  • data analysis

  • user interviews

  • user testings

The team

1 × CPO
1 x PM
1 x Product designer
2 x engineers
1 x data analyst



Sharpist dashboard


Although the business plan aimed to attract new contracts and retain existing customers through 1:1 leadership coaching, the existing product lacked a meaningful customer dashboard. This resulted in inadequate reporting and an inability to accurately reflect learners' progress. As a consequence, customers were unconvinced about the value proposition and hesitant to extend their contracts with Sharpist.

My contribution

  • Dashboard design

  • data analysis

  • user interviews

  • user testings

The team

1 × CPO
1 x PM
1 x Product designer
2 x engineers
1 x data analyst



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What is a Customer Dashboard?

A tool to report learners' progress before and after coaching

Who are the users?

Human Resources

North Star Gold Objectives

To provide meaningful reporting to customers

To reflect leadership transformation in learners with an aim to retain existing customers and seek new opportunities

What was being reported before the redesign?

The product could not measure learners’ transformation after coaching

Data Analysis - Are we already measuring leadership transformation with the existing metrics?

Yes, we actually did have metrics that we could use already to display transformation.

How is our major competitor doing is reflecting progress?

Two rounds of interviews and testings with major customers to learn their pain points and test the new dashboard.

Are we creating a customer dashboard that addresses the needs and preferences of customers, instilling confidence in the value of continuing with Sharpist coaching services?


What is a Customer Dashboard?

A tool to report learners' progress before and after coaching

Who are the users?

Human Resources

North Star Gold Objectives

To provide meaningful reporting to customers

To reflect leadership transformation in learners with an aim to retain existing customers and seek new opportunities

What was being reported before the redesign?

The product could not measure learners’ transformation after coaching

Data Analysis - Are we already measuring leadership transformation with the existing metrics?

Yes, we actually did have metrics that we could use already to display transformation.

How is our major competitor doing is reflecting progress?

Two rounds of interviews and testings with major customers to learn their pain points and test the new dashboard.

Are we creating a customer dashboard that addresses the needs and preferences of customers, instilling confidence in the value of continuing with Sharpist coaching services?


What is a Customer Dashboard?

A tool to report learners' progress before and after coaching

Who are the users?

Human Resources

North Star Gold Objectives

To provide meaningful reporting to customers

To reflect leadership transformation in learners with an aim to retain existing customers and seek new opportunities

What was being reported before the redesign?

The product could not measure learners’ transformation after coaching

Data Analysis - Are we already measuring leadership transformation with the existing metrics?

Yes, we actually did have metrics that we could use already to display transformation.

How is our major competitor doing is reflecting progress?

Two rounds of interviews and testings with major customers to learn their pain points and test the new dashboard.

Are we creating a customer dashboard that addresses the needs and preferences of customers, instilling confidence in the value of continuing with Sharpist coaching services?

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Impact of the early version

These pages have provided an important visual source for all departments in the company to conduct strategic business talks and presentations, and they are all based on available data. Simultaneously, the designs have informed the incoming designer on what Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) the dashboard could display and ways to present the data with the UI. I believe it has tremendously helped to understand the project scope.

How did I measure my impact in this project?

The early research process provided a solid foundation for the dashboard to evolve. As a junior designer at that time, I -

  • led customers to log back in to view progress with a new design (from 0% to 100% login rate)

  • undertook the project from design research, divergence, convergence to prototyping

  • created 3 completely new pages through intensive product research and inclusion of accurate data and backend inputs

  • dealt with a serious engineering deficit, which led me to resolve uncertainties with proactive communication


Impact of the early version

These pages have provided an important visual source for all departments in the company to conduct strategic business talks and presentations, and they are all based on available data. Simultaneously, the designs have informed the incoming designer on what Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) the dashboard could display and ways to present the data with the UI. I believe it has tremendously helped to understand the project scope.

How did I measure my impact in this project?

The early research process provided a solid foundation for the dashboard to evolve. As a junior designer at that time, I -

  • led customers to log back in to view progress with a new design (from 0% to 100% login rate)

  • undertook the project from design research, divergence, convergence to prototyping

  • created 3 completely new pages through intensive product research and inclusion of accurate data and backend inputs

  • dealt with a serious engineering deficit, which led me to resolve uncertainties with proactive communication


Impact of the early version

These pages have provided an important visual source for all departments in the company to conduct strategic business talks and presentations, and they are all based on available data. Simultaneously, the designs have informed the incoming designer on what Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) the dashboard could display and ways to present the data with the UI. I believe it has tremendously helped to understand the project scope.

How did I measure my impact in this project?

The early research process provided a solid foundation for the dashboard to evolve. As a junior designer at that time, I -

  • led customers to log back in to view progress with a new design (from 0% to 100% login rate)

  • undertook the project from design research, divergence, convergence to prototyping

  • created 3 completely new pages through intensive product research and inclusion of accurate data and backend inputs

  • dealt with a serious engineering deficit, which led me to resolve uncertainties with proactive communication

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I’m Sum — a digital product designer based in Berlin

©2024 to ∞

I’m Sum — a digital product designer based in Berlin

©2024 to ∞

I’m Sum — a digital product designer based in Berlin

©2024 to ∞